Olga Onkar Kaur


Now Streaming On-Demand Online Course


Healing and releasing past relationships is a unique and powerful program that's designed to help you untangle yourself from the karmic imprints and ancestral patterns that have been holding you back.


You'll have the opportunity to consciously clear the energetic ties to past lovers, The Mother Father imprint, and Ancestral Karma that have left imprints on your life.

Olga Onkar will guide you on a journey of self-discovery, helping you to identify and release the energetic patterns that are keeping you from living authentically and consciously in your present. 


Through these powerful practices, you'll learn how to clear your Energy field and Create a strong foundation for healthy relationships.


You'll develop the tools and skills you need to break free from old patterns and step into a new way of being. 


If you're ready to experience the transformative power of Releasing, Letting Go Healing Past Relationships join us on this journey.


Ancestral Karma

This is an opportunity to experience the energetic presence of your ancestors and to identify key lessons, patterns and rituals that may serve your soul as it moves toward its destiny or your Dharmic path.  


Mother/ Father Imprint

We are looking at Karmic Imprints that we accumulate as a consequence of our parental upbringing.  The energetic imprint that our Mother and Father leaves on our personality, is undeniably strong and affects both the relationships we form and the roles we play in life.


Past Lovers

We look at Karmic Imprints that we accumulate from past lovers, especially where sexual intercourse is involved. These karmic imprints are experienced as energetic tantrik hooks for women or men. Clearing the Karmic ties involves recognition, clarity, and a conscious untying of the knots. 


Authentic Relationships

Authentic relationships begin when we reveal our true self to another person. That means being genuine and vulnerable in our communication and interaction.



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